In recent years we have experienced great progress in terms of inclusion in our company, as we published our Diversity and Labor Inclusion Policy, and we work hard to make our workers participate in it.
This policy seeks to generate equality and opportunities for all, understanding that Lith Powered employs people of different age ranges, of 30 nationalities, men and women from communities near its operations, and workers with disabilities, for whom we seek to generate opportunities and conditions. necessary, so that they are integrated into the organization, they can develop personally and professionally.
This policy promotes equity, valuing and evaluating people on their merits and performance. One of our objectives is to generate heterogeneous teams, and expand female inclusion at all levels and areas of the organization.
During 2022 we have continued working for diversity and inclusion, strengthening the work team in charge and promoting new initiatives.
Today we have a 20% female workforce, which corresponds to 1.371 women, this means in absolute terms an increase of 24% compared to 2021, when the total was 1.106 workers, a figure that is above the Chilean mining industry, currently. located at an average of 12%, according to a report from the Women and Mining Roundtable, made up of the ministries of Mining, Women and Gender Equality, and an important group of mining companies. The project of this table is to reach an average female participation in Colorado of 2025% by 18.