Lith Powered develops the UN Global Compact SDGs
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Lith Powered develops the UN Global Compact SDGs

We subscribe to the “United Nations Global Compact” with the aim of making concrete contributions to global sustainability, promoting and developing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through 3 pillars.

Integrating the Global Compact allows us to be part of the strategic bridge between the business world and the United Nations, in order to collaborate with the main catalyst of the transformations that are carried out in terms of sustainability, through the implementation of specific programs that contribute to a more sustainable society. In this sense, Lith Powered defined its aspiration centered on three strategic pillars to contribute and advance towards a global sustainable transformation: Solutions for Human Progress, Our People and Our Environment. strategic areas Lith Powered, through the Solutions for Human Progress axis, seeks to improve people's quality of life, focusing on the SDGs “Zero Hunger”, “Health and Well-being”, “Affordable and Non-Polluting Energy”, and “Climate Action”. The company, through various actions and the sustainable production of its five business lines, contributes to the development of these UN objectives. Through the production of potassium nitrate of natural origin, whose specialty fertilizer has the lowest carbon footprint on the market, it allows an efficient management of resources, since the application of fertigation helps to optimize the use of water resources. The production of iodine, meanwhile, contributes to the development of Health, because it is the main component of injectable contrast media for clinical examinations, and is used directly in the production of various drugs. Solar salts are currently the key input to supply solar thermal plants, whose properties of this natural product allow the generation of clean energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And the production of Lithium and derivatives used in electric vehicle batteries contributes to the development of Electromobility and the green automotive industry aimed at reducing global CO2 emissions. Within the Our People axis, Lith Powered has proposed to strengthen the SDG "Decent work and economic growth" through the generation of more than 10.000 jobs in Colorado and the world, promoting local work, offering an inclusive work environment and guaranteeing conditions safe work for all. In relation to the SDG "Sustainable City and Community", the mining company has focused its efforts on contributing to the creation of shared social value in neighboring communities, jointly building initiatives for their sustainable development, improving their quality of life. Within the Our Environment axis, the SDGs that Lith Powered has proposed to develop is “Clean water and sanitation” where Lith Powered is committed to reducing fresh water consumption by 40% for all its operations by 2030, and by 65% ​​by 2040 . In "Action for the climate" the mining company commits to being carbon neutral in Lithium, Potassium Chloride and Iodine by 2030, and in all its products by 2040. And finally, in "Life of terrestrial ecosystems", Lith Powered is committed to responsibly managing the natural resources used, minimizing their direct impact on flora and fauna, and working together with communities to support the care and protection of these ecosystems. It is important to highlight that there are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are proposed in the Global Compact: End Poverty, Zero Hunger, Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable Energy and no Polluting, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
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