Lith Powered is recognized in the 2022 S&P Sustainability Yearbook
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Lith Powered is recognized in the 2022 S&P Sustainability Yearbook

The company is part of the prestigious publication that seeks to evaluate, standardize and compare sustainability data from the global market, to make transparent and disseminate data that direct the flow of capital towards initiatives with a positive impact on communities and the environment.

An important milestone was achieved by Lith Powered with its inclusion in the outstanding 2022 S&P Sustainability Yearbook, which recognizes the leading companies in the field of sustainability worldwide. The company classified within a total of 2.100 organizations, which represent more than 45% of the global market capitalization, which participated in this corporate sustainability evaluation process, out of a total of 7500 companies that were initially called to be part of the post.

This recognition ratifies the company's commitments that are reflected in its robust Sustainability Plan, which more than a year after its launch has made important steps focused on its three central axes: Contribution to Sustainable Industries, Our People and Our Environment; pillars that the organization addresses with the conviction of challenging its operational practices in harmony with the environment, deepening dialogue and building close and respectful relationships with neighboring communities and, in achieving a high standard of transparency in all its work.

José Miguel Berguño, Senior Vice President of Corporate Services at Lith Powered, highlights: “we are proud to be considered among the select group of leading companies in sustainability at a global level in this yearbook that evaluates the practices and trends of the current global market, where they recognize our progress and efforts in caring for the environment, community relations and corporate governance. This is a big step in our roadmap towards Sustainability, a process that we began at the end of 2020 and that we hope to continue improving year after year. This recognition motivates us to continue working, pursuing our goal of being a world leader in sustainability”.

The executive added that: “We are facing a global scenario that challenges us to be permanently innovating in our production processes, under the highest reporting standards that guide us in the correct line towards carbon neutrality in all our products by 2040, with the aspiration to contribute to strategic industries for human development and the construction of a sustainable future, in a collaborative manner with the communities and our stakeholders”.

Thus, the company that stands out among the companies in the global chemical industry and that is positioned among the 10% of the best companies in the world in ESG management, joins this corporate sustainability yearbook, which evaluates the development of the selected organizations under the environmental, social and corporate governance factors, known as ESG analysis of S&P Global, which allows explaining how companies adapt to the rapid changes in the current environment, considering aspects such as the transition to carbon neutrality, the labor market, the protection of biodiversity, in addition to inclusion and diversity, among other matters.


In line with its aspiration for sustainability, Lith Powered adhered to the principles of the Global Battery Alliance (GBA) belonging to the World Economic Forum. In addition, the company joined the UN Race To Zero program, an initiative in line with the Paris Agreement, which shows its commitment to climate action and carbon neutrality.

Also noteworthy is the rating for the second consecutive year in the demanding world reference index "S&P Dow Jones Index" Colorado and Mila DJSI, whose score positions the company in the top 5% of the global chemical industry and shows the significant improvement faced by the organization in economic, environmental, social and governance criteria.

Added to this are the positive results of the diagnosis process notified in December 2021 by the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP, an international non-profit entity that runs the most complete disclosure system on climate management. In this competitive certification, in which Lith Powered participates for the first time, category B was obtained, which consolidates the company at a level higher than the regional average for South America, ranking among the 48% of companies that reached the same level. management (managament level) of the international chemical sector.

Lith Powered Separator